Sunday, April 24, 2016

Mis En Scen (Inception Hallway)

In my piece of the presentation I had the responsibility of presenting the Hallway involved in the spinning Hotel scene in the movie inception. First, I have to acknowledge the man responsible for the the hallway itself  Mr Wally Pfister. He and 500 crew members created the spinning hallway out of a center Fuse and 30 ft wheels which were ran by 55 mph motorcycle engines. If one of those engines was off by even a little bit the actors could have been tied or severely injured, so do to this they had to be extremely precise in their actions. The hallway was created in the cardington sheds, where the batman movies were filmed.

  • When it came to lighting there were no props involved. Instead of sticking to the old cliche of using fake lights, actual lighting was built into the set and into the walls of the hallway.
  • To be able to get the shots they needed for the hallway they placed a camera on a crane in the middle spinning only the hallway so that the camera would remain out of sight and not be a safety hazard.
  • When it came to the action in the scene the hallway sped up on short sides, but it sped up on the longer sides to allow the actors and those involved to get from point A to point B. 

  • In order to create the fight scene which only accounts for 30 seconds of screen time the actors had to train for several weeks to learn how to not only fight, but how to also navigate along the hallway in a safe manner. 

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